The other day The Boy was admiring my Julia Gillard badge, kindly provided by Cde Squib, when the following conversation ensued.
The Boy: “Who’s that Dad?”
Me: “That’s Julia Gillard, Boy, the Deputy Prime Minister.”
The Boy: “Is she nice, Dad?’
Me: “She’s very nice, Boy.”
Long pause.
The Boy: “Is she a friend of Kevin0Seven, Dad?”
Me: “She’s a very good friend of Kevin0Seven, Boy.”
Even longer pause.
The Boy: “I like Julia Gillard, Dad.”
Me: “I like her too, Boy.”
Squib, I think our work here is done.
The Boy: “Who’s that Dad?”
Me: “That’s Julia Gillard, Boy, the Deputy Prime Minister.”
The Boy: “Is she nice, Dad?’
Me: “She’s very nice, Boy.”
Long pause.
The Boy: “Is she a friend of Kevin0Seven, Dad?”
Me: “She’s a very good friend of Kevin0Seven, Boy.”
Even longer pause.
The Boy: “I like Julia Gillard, Dad.”
Me: “I like her too, Boy.”
Squib, I think our work here is done.
Very good, Ramon
They are never too young for propaganda, I always say
I'm thinking Baby Einstein should cash in on this
Most parents use that persuasive programming technique to get their kids to barrack for a particular footy club. My Mum did. Dad was Essendon and Mum was Richmond, but Mum me taught from a very young age that aeroplanes were dumb and boring and that tigers were cool and exciting.
Damn her.
If the ALP spend 25 years in the wilderness as The Boy grows up, he'll resent you.
Suffering is good for the soul, Pers.
Squib - sod Baby Einstein, let's you and I cash in on this.
Mum me taught from a very young age that aeroplanes were dumb and boring
and that's why you never became a fighter pilot, despite having a natural aptitude for flying, and instead became a zookeeper. It all begins to make sense
Ramon, I can sell them to you wholesale and you can pin them on the inside of your coat and hawk them at barbecues and suchlike
Put me down for a gross of Kruddy, a pennyweight of Julia and a special limited edition of Senator John Fawkner.
No really, I'm serious, Ramon
Did you tell him her voice is used to carve diamonds?
I see.
You may want to hold off on the mass production, Squib, until I can do some market research.
Any suggestion that my "market research" is "talking to old ALP soaks down the pub" is a foul slander.
Great. I just made 300 Kevins during lunch
Now I'm thinking I should put in an order for a Kevin and a Julia. My Charles is a little lonely.
And I'm wearing Little Red Riding Hood in my hair today squib.
I am unique and I like it.
Ooops that was me above. I created Mulva to leave some anon comments of annoyance and hate on another site, then got jack of trying to work it all out, how to change the picture blah de blah, didn't leave the comments, probably just as well because I'm a nice person, thought I deleted Mulva but then there she is.
what the fuck!!!!
have to go to the dashboard.
It's me. MELBA.
Maybe Mulva is your evil side.
Like Notcatlick.
Evil and stupid. But she's gone now.
Hehehe. "Mulva" That cracks me up & makes me giggle. Keep it.
But she's gone now
That's just what Mulva wants you to think.
Don't talk about her too much. She might come back. I have no control over what she might say.
Most parents use that persuasive programming technique to get their kids to barrack for a particular footy club. My Mum did. Dad was Essendon and Mum was Richmond, but Mum me taught from a very young age that aeroplanes were dumb and boring and that tigers were cool and exciting.
I do like your Mum Pers, I really really do. Never underestimate the power of the maternal influence. Look at it this way, better to be a 'tiger in bed' than a long aluminiun steel phallic that hardly ever goes down.
I'll be boring as usual and say that, despite the voice (the Aussie twang doesn't bother me as much as it does some), she seems to have political integrity and comes across as more forthright and stronger than Kruddy.
I think she'd have been a ripper of a first woman PM.
There's still time for her to become PM. It might happen, mightn't it? And yes the voice disturbs me too. Only because she sounds older, it's tremulous, or something. It's not any other quality, other than the suggestion of tremor.
How's the weather Wari? Warm here but too blowy. Better than the cold though.
It might happen, Melba.
Kruddy's got to fall under a bus first, though.
here we go
Squib, that's an absolute cracker!
Thanks. Superb paintshop work if I do say so myself
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