Strolling to work the other day, homburg set at a jaunty angle, I came across a poster advertising a rally for the recognition* of same sex marriage.
Looking closer, I noticed it was organised by Socialist Alliance. I immediately thought “oh well, that’s that cause buggered then”.
My dealings with SA** and their ideological predecessors over many long years has taught me that these people are both deeply stupid and – at the same time – highly organised. A key Trot tactic is to enter an established organisation in large numbers, obtain key positions and use the organisation to spread their ideas.
The drawback, of course, is that the vast majority of citizens regard the SA’s third-hand Leninism with equal degrees of contempt and mirth and instead of radicalising the population the net effect is to make the cause a laughing stock.
Remember the Nuclear Disarmament Party? No, I thought not.
Talking to Trots one-on-one reveals they’re usually passionate, sincere and utterly committed to the cause. Unfortunately, it also reveals they’re usually doctrinaire, inflexible and utterly devoid of humour.
Not a good combination, I’m sure you’ll agree.
It’s also a bit odd because the last time I looked, the Trots were denouncing marriage as a “patriarchal, bourgeois institution”. Perhaps they’re keen on everybody to have the same right to be oppressed.
* Actually, I think they were “demanding” the recognition of same sex marriage. They tend to “demand” a lot – clearly their mums didn’t stress the importance of asking nicely.
Looking closer, I noticed it was organised by Socialist Alliance. I immediately thought “oh well, that’s that cause buggered then”.
My dealings with SA** and their ideological predecessors over many long years has taught me that these people are both deeply stupid and – at the same time – highly organised. A key Trot tactic is to enter an established organisation in large numbers, obtain key positions and use the organisation to spread their ideas.
The drawback, of course, is that the vast majority of citizens regard the SA’s third-hand Leninism with equal degrees of contempt and mirth and instead of radicalising the population the net effect is to make the cause a laughing stock.
Remember the Nuclear Disarmament Party? No, I thought not.
Talking to Trots one-on-one reveals they’re usually passionate, sincere and utterly committed to the cause. Unfortunately, it also reveals they’re usually doctrinaire, inflexible and utterly devoid of humour.
Not a good combination, I’m sure you’ll agree.
It’s also a bit odd because the last time I looked, the Trots were denouncing marriage as a “patriarchal, bourgeois institution”. Perhaps they’re keen on everybody to have the same right to be oppressed.
* Actually, I think they were “demanding” the recognition of same sex marriage. They tend to “demand” a lot – clearly their mums didn’t stress the importance of asking nicely.
**And what sort of pin-head chooses an acronym that brings to mind these dickheads?
Sadly, I do remember the NDP. My memory goes back even further. I remember when the Democrats were ruled by Don Chipp, and when Whitlam got sacked, when Hawkey had big sideburns, when Peacock was married to Susan, and I saw Jim Cairns in the '80s I think it was at Camberwell market and knew who he was. Oh the heyday.
I've only limited experience with the Socialist Alliance from my undergrad uni days. I remember trying to get to my lectures as an Arts undergrad (every now and again, let's not have too many contact hours then shall we?) and being accosted by this one dude every single time.
I had no problem with him having his say, but it pissed me off that he decided it was a good idea to invade my personal space. Back then I was too timid to do anything about it, except take the long way around and avoid him.
I'd kick him in the gonads if he tried the same thing on me these days (that's a lie, I wouldn't really kick him in the gonads, but I would politely tell him to fuck right off).
Ramon, love to hear your opinion on this one..
Lenin Bar
The NDP is still going strong over here in Canada eh. Mind you so is Bloc Quebecois, who only seek election to federal parliament so they can try to leave it.
Dr G. I'm not a big fan of bars named after mass murderers.
And yes, yes, yes, to forestall any complaints of hypocrisy "Lenin House" has been renamed "Karl Kautsky House".
And cripes Melba, you're almost as old as me!
Those were the days. I was 11 in 1975 but who could ever forget? The whole comical nature of it.
Did Jim have Junie with him at the time Melba?
I've never understood why anybody would give a fuck about same sex marriages.
Some Christians (for example) claim it destroys the sanctity of marriage. You mean Christian marriage do you? Not if it isn't a Christian marriage though, surely. Marriages aren't just for Christians. You have your Christian marriage, Muslims can have an Islamic marriage, Hindus...well, you see my point.
If it's a secular wedding, why worry? The sanctity of Christian marriage remains intact.
What gay couple would consider a Christian/Islamic/whatever marriage anyway, given the persecution they've received for a little while now?
Lewd, Catherine was railing against marriage in general, not just gay marriage. She thinks it's all just a way for men to control women, and women who agree to it are stupid and cowardly and can't stick up for themselves.
I was referring to the storm troopers in Ramon's article above, Puss. Deveney can get fucked. Although I did enjoy her rant about 4WDs some time back.
That will teach me to just read the comment and not look at what post you'd put it in.
I don't mind the Dev.
At least she's not a simpering halfwit like Myf Warhurst.
Melba, I was born a week before Whitlam's dismissal and grew up with Hawkey's sideburns, both of which have given me unhealthy pleasure over the years. For shame, though, I don't remember Don Chipp when he was doing his thing. Who the crap is Julia Melland?
PS, Ramon, is that Trotsky or Christian Slater?
I'm older than you aren't I Ramon? Or do we still not know your *true age*?
No, wari. Jim was sitting at his card table selling his book on his lonesome, it was well after the Morosi years. I bought a copy for $5 and he signed it for me. I'd still have it somewhere. I felt sorry for him.
Ramon. Here's a test. Do you remember the Corn Flakes moon critters?
Hate the Dev.
Sorry. Can't let that opportunity pass.
Melba, I have never heard of Corn Flakes moon critters and I never want to hear of Corn Flakes moon critters.
I bid you good-day, madam.
Kettle, it's Christian Trotsky, Leon's lesser known brother.
I used to always have a chat with Jim at Camberwell market. Lovely old man, if not partially insane.
A critterist Ramon? I would never have guessed.
And nicely evaded as well. The other thing.
What other thing?
Your age. I don't believe you have owned up to it.
I'm 47, Melba.
I admitted to that some time ago, to general mirth.
Sorry, I had forgotten. I'm not far behind, so don't worry.
Crater critters were plastic toy giveaways that you got in cereal packets.
I can't link cause I'm an idiot but there are pictures out there.
I don't remember you admitting you were 47, Ramon.
You don't seem a day over 46 to me.
(Kidding, kidding - you actually don't seem a day over 37)
And you lot, what's this about getting toys in cereal packets? In my whole lifetime, I've never experienced such a thing, and I'm not even that young anymore. What's the go with that? I don't buy cereal, but if there was a free toy in the box, I sure as heck would.
Melba, I'm pretty sure they were still putting little figurines in corn-flakes packets in the late 80s. I've no idea if they were still called "Moon Critters" at that point, but it may not be the best age test available.
Cereal giveaways were still happening in the '80s but by then they were really crappy. The crater critters were possibly late '60s early '70s and they were little plastic coloured moon folk. I remember also a series of household tool/monsters: eg hammer head something or other. There was also a collection of some sort of cars that you constructed but they again were a little bizarre - like stoneage Fred Flinstone cars or something like that.
EMS - maybe not in Tassie? We mainland kids got 'em. You can still see these things in collectible stores, and if you google crater critters there's a freak who has a website with a pic. I spent ages yesterday trying to link (the url was heaps long) and gave up.
Those crazy cereal packet toys have migrated to McDonalds happy meals and gotten a little larger as a result.
For those interested, here's a page that lists the critters and presumably their current market rate.
Teach me, and I will learn.
<a href="put the URL here"> Put any text you like here </a>
Here's what the above example looks like:
For those interested, <a href=""> here's </a> a page that lists the critters and presumably their current market rate.
Thanks Alex. Giddyup.
EMS - maybe not in Tassie? We mainland kids got 'em.
Nah. More like, maybe my mum was a meanie and wouldn't buy that kind of cereal.
We were strictly Weet Bix kids, except in winter when we had porridge (with a dash of milk and a spoonful of brown sugar) and except in summer when we stayed at Nan's and we were allowed to have Coco Pops.
I love Coco Pops. I had a boyfriend back in the day who bought me a box of Coco Pops for a present. Best present ever.
I think this is the thread where Catherine Deveny was being discussed earlier, so I thought I'd mention it here: I saw her on Q&A tonight and found her to be a bit bloody obnoxious. I think I'll throw my lot in with the anti-Dev crowd.
And Melba, I'm glad I could be of help.
I saw her on Q&A tonight and found her to be a bit bloody obnoxious.
How so, Alex?
Ramon, I thought that a lot of what she was doing was akin to juvenile heckling - mostly at Tony Abbott's expense. I'm not saying that it's a bad thing to give Tony Abbott a hard time, but surely there are less annoying ways of doing it. She probably didn't need to be quite so loud either.
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