Old-style narcissist meets new-age narcissist.
Narcissism ensues.
Also; famous Australians playing famous Australian politicians!
Also; it was rubbish!
Paul Keating was portrayed as a pantomime villain and complete dick-biscuit throughout. At times, it was though we were all encouraged to shout “look out Bob – he’s behind you!”
“Creative” types constantly whinge that there’s not enough Australian content on the tellie and that “we aren’t telling our own stories”.
On the basis of Hawke, that’s probably for the best.
Narcissism ensues.
Also; famous Australians playing famous Australian politicians!
Also; it was rubbish!
Paul Keating was portrayed as a pantomime villain and complete dick-biscuit throughout. At times, it was though we were all encouraged to shout “look out Bob – he’s behind you!”
“Creative” types constantly whinge that there’s not enough Australian content on the tellie and that “we aren’t telling our own stories”.
On the basis of Hawke, that’s probably for the best.
Attention Whores, every one. I saw an article about Howards' presidency of World Cricket in doubt as a substantive heading in the newspaper the other day.
Aside: DUDES! Hearken --> http://crispian-jago.blogspot.com/2010/07/periodic-table-of-irrational-nonsense.html
I did have a god chuckle at that table, RG.
Link here.
I didn't know it was on
What is Rolfing? Does it involve snogging Rolf Harris?
Does it involve snogging Rolf Harris?
Sadly, no Squib.
Rolfing is "a holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education".
What that actually means is anybody's guess.
Thank you, Ramon. I believe this tells me all I need to know. I briefly considered watching it after a friend of mine sent me a message telling me it was on. It seems however, that my tolerance for commercial breaks has atrophied over the years.
For some reason I read RandomGit's opening comment as "Attention, Whores" and spent the next few minutes trying to work out why he was so passionately drawing attention to something he didn't care about. Took me several goes to realise I was imagining the comma.
Also, what are ear candles? They're not made from ear wax, are they?
Ear candles are candles designed to be inserted into the ear while a wick at the other end is lit.
They're designed to do something, something.
It is based on the method used by Hopi indians, Hopi indians being acknowledged experts when it comes to ear infections.
Oh no, it was the ancient Egyptians
Really, Squib?
Oh well, I knew it was a bunch of ancient dead people
Sooner or later we'll be back to drilling holes in people's heads, won't we? Actually, that reminds me: I've recently been told that one of the incredibly shitty medical doctors that I used to go to when I was living in the sticks is in a bit of strife for performing, among other things, an exorcism. I guess stupidity knows no bounds.
Shouldn't that be statistical outliers and not acknowledged experts?
Or are candles as benign when they are in your ears as well as out of them?
I'd like to drill a couple of holes into Tony Abbott's head, Alex.
I so wanted to see that movie. I briefly considered not leaving the country just so I could stay home & watch it.
So ... you guys are saying I made the right decision to not stay home & watch it?
I wonder if I can find it on DVD?
I wasn't interested in the thing on Hawke - just a lot of ugly sideburns and fashion to a plot I already know.
I opted for 2 1/2 men. It's about a 40 year old, musically gifted man who lives in a house by the beach and sleeps with an endless succession of women 20 years his junior but never finds 'the one'. Now that I think of it, the plot in this one was kind of familiar too.
You didn't miss much, EMS.
I trust you'll be voting over in Blighty?
I only watched this piece of shit becuase I was curious about who they would get to play Mark Ryan and Don Watson. But neither got so much as a mention. But like doing a movie about the Gun Powder Plot and not mentioning Guy Fawkes. I'm giving it One Star. Margaret?
EMS, you have gmail.
Ramon, I have more election related queries:
1) What's the story with Antony Green? I mean, what's he actually supposed to be and what does he do when there isn't an election on?
2) Julie Bishop normally seems quite stern and cantankerous; but last night on Q&A she was weirdly playful, laid back, and at times, almost kind of endearing. Do elections normally have this kind of effect on pollies, or was it more likely just something she took before the show?
3) What's the go with the doofus in the speedos? Is this the future of campaigning?
Alex, good questions all.
Having said that, now let me say this.
1. Antony Green is employed full time an as election analysist by the ABC. Happily, with a Commonwealth Government and eight State and Territory Governments , there's more than enough elections to go around.
2. Who knows? Maybe she had a couple of quick belys of brandy before hand.
3. There are always these sort of shenanigans, dating back to the famous Warwick egg incident.
Cheers, Ramon. I don't know what I'd do without your wealth of knowledge on hand. I shan't be preparing myself for any unsettling shifts in deportment from anyone else then. And I guess too, that despite the initial whatthefuckness, a bloke in his bathers is more palatable than people pelting garbage or, say, delivering flyers containing bogus Islamic propaganda. Still early days though, I suppose.
I'm just happy they refrained from further ruining my birthday weekend and decided to have it on 21 August.
Now I'll just have to drag myself out of bed in order to vote. Is your vote invalid if you accidentally bleed on it? I'll be recovering from nose surgery.
Not cosmetic, Puss?
No, I like my nose. Well, I like it enough. It's a little pointy, but I can live with it. I have a deviated septum and enlarged something-or-others, which basically means I can't breathe through my nose properly. So they're fixing it. They're telling me I will have "nasal discharge" for 2 weeks after the surgery, and will have splints up there for the same duration and be unable to breathe out of it. They also said I couldn't go to work for 2 weeks because I'll bleed all over everything. Lovely.
I had a chat to Jules, Puss and she agreed to hold the election early so as to not clash with your birthday.
Because that's the sort of compassionate people we are.
Well in that case, I may just have to vote for her!
That's for the best, Puss.
Otherwise this woman will be Foreign Minister.
There's the Julie I've come to know and um, er... um.
Was it enlarged turbinates, Puss? It's strange to say, but I'm somewhat glad to hear that you're not just having a nose job. I don't know why, but there's something about the idea of cosmetic surgery that makes me sort of depressed. Anyway, I hope everything goes well, and hopefully, a couple of weeks of blood and mucus will be well worth it in the long run.
I'll be recovering from nose surgery.
Is it only "elective" surgery if you pick it?
Yes! Turbinates! That's them! What their purpose is, I don't know.
Mr E - haha.
I'm no expert, but I think they're bits of spongey, boney tissue that help to make the air you inhale warm and moist and filter out little chunks of crud as well.
When I saw the promos I mentally subtitled it "Underbelly: The Roundabouts".
I couldn't watch it because I am sensitized to Presidential-bank-robber-mask style makeup.(Reagan etc)
I'd like to drill a couple of holes into Tony Abbott's head
So a simple straightforward skull fuck is not enough for you?
I trust you'll be voting over in Blighty?
Oh I'll be voting alright. I'll vote my arse off.
Have a Pimms on me.
Jolly good, old chap.
P.S. I moved on the weekend, I now live on an ex-council estate. I'm yet to hear anybody around here say "Jolly good", but still holding out hope.
Here is some fun for all of you this fine Wednesday morning.
Academic sentence writer
Oh God, Puss!
That brings back memories.
Not happy ones either.
3000 word essays on feminist cyborgs and the post-colonial Other, ah, those were the days...
feminist cyborgs and the post-colonial Other
Sounds like the latest Man Booker winner, Squib.
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