Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekend Champions: Stephen Malkmus

Stephen Malkmus is a champion. His music fills me with happiness, wonder and awe.

Since the release of the first Pavement album Slanted and Enchanted in 1991 through his collaborations with Silver Jews' songwriter David Berman to his current solo career, the guy has been delivering R.E.M., Sonic Youth and Pixies-inspired brilliant, witty and original songs to the independent music scene on a regular basis.

He is also a guitar maestro. His long live jams are legendary and his outstanding guitar work is equally evident on studio albums. Furthermore, his songs are catchy and many are unforgettable.

If you're not familiar with the guy or any of his guises, I highly recommend getting hold of a Pavement album such as Brighten the Corners (particular for the unbelievable song Shady Lane) or Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, the Silver Jews' album American Water or his latest solo work Real Emotional Trash.

This is not an ad. This is a community service announcement.


Perseus said...

I'm not so into all his solo stuff, but Pavement, oh god I love them. In my Top 10 bands, for sure. I don't know if you've bought any of the double-album re-releases they've been doing, but if not, I highly recommend them. There's some gems amongst all the B-sides and rarities. I came across one song called 'Unseen Power Of The Picket Fence' which is a song about how much they like R.E.M and it's better than just about any REM song.

Melba said...

You know what, and I reckon I'll get pilloried for being a heretic; I just don't really do music. Not like I do books, and movies.

Is there something wrong with me?

I'll come back tomorrow to read the scoffing.

Lewd Bob said...

No scoffing here. Who has the time? My movie watching has been suffering lately. Mainly because I have a 3 year old and I refuse to give up books or music. Something had to give. Having said that, I haven't lost hope completely.

patchouligirl said...

2 year olds limit ones cultural intake to the Wiggles I'm finding. At least now we'll be able to watch them on our 50 inch plasma woohoo!

Lewd Bob said...

God, the Wiggles in high definition! Ever noticed just how untalented Jeff is?

Is your 2 year old into Dora? If I ever meet Dora in real life I'll punch her in the head. What with her intolerable pauses, irritating monkey and dead eyes. Not to mention her pissweak nemesis and simpleton monkey.

Lewd Bob said...

Yep, I mentioned the monkey twice quite by accident. I meant to disparage the map instead.

wari lasi said...

Melba - I too find that I'm not much into music. I'm one of the only people I know who doesn't have an Ipod.

Books rule. I travel a lot so spend heaps of time in airports, planes and hotel rooms by myself. Sniff.

Bob - Dora is a big hit at my place (in PNG, not Brisbane where I am now). She pauses so the kids can answer her silly questions. Swiper pisses me off and Emma already speaks 3 languages, she doesn't need to learn Spanish.

Wiggles - Jeff should just stay the fuck asleep.

patchouligirl said...

No, its Wiggles and Hi5 at the moment (being a boy Dora probably isn't going to be his thing - it'll be Diego or Bob the builder). I understand he'll be ready to move on to full length movies like Labrinth and Toy Story soon which will be refreshing. Meanwhile I tape the programs I like and watch them during nap time.

Ramon Insertnamehere said...

The Boy has recently discovered Triple J, which he loves.

His only gripe is when Marieke Hardy is rabbiting on.

"No talking, just music" he says.

Sums it all up, really.

wari lasi said...

Wisdom from the mouths of babes.

patchouligirl said...

There were rumors that Jeff Wiggle was Molly Meldrums boyfriend. No wonder he's always asleep - who would want to wake up next to Molly?